Sunday, October 28, 2007


Wow - it's been four months since we opened our doors for learning. They have flown by. I look back and realize that I helped create an amazing place for children. Leaving my school of 6 years was difficult. I believe it was difficult because I put my heart and soul into this school. I loved the kids, families and staff - it was home. I was terrified that I wouldn't be able to have another place like this. At my new site I have an amazing group of people that I have come to love as well. In all of this the real learning is that you create your own destiny and how you react to the changes in your life. If I had chosen to be angry my life would be affected by this as well. I choose not to live life that way - but to try to focus on the positive and continually moving forward. When I find myself in a negative "ditch" I have to crawl out and look around me. Some days that is easier to do than others. For me, it's easiest done when I go find the kids. They give me such joy and unconditional love - they are really amazing. I am so lucky to be surrounded by people that care so much about our kids and each other. This is what makes life good.

1 comment:

Silver Lamb said...

Marti, I agree with everything you said. I too would never had experienced all of this had I stayed where I was. I am so proud of you for sharing your feelings publically. I know how tough that is for you. But remember, it really is so easy to change. You just need desire, assurance, and a sense of adventure. And you have all of that and more!!!!!