Saturday, September 22, 2007

MIND Institute Training

Wow! What an incredible day some teachers and I have had today. Our school is so fortunate to be able to have this wonderful math and music program at our site. Today we had training that taught us how to incorporate the computerized math program into our curriuclum. The students will play games and progress through these as they master the games. The teachers are so excited about working with their students and provide them with this unique opportunity. The MIND Institute information can be found at The games are so much fun!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Constitution Day - Sept 17

Tomorrow our school community will celebrate Constitution Day through words and music. Coming together and honoring our past is such an important part of what we do each day. Our students will sing patriotic songs and reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. It will be great to look out and see 600 students actively participating in this celebration. There will be flags waving and children smiling - what more could we ask for? Most importantly, our students will learn about the history of our country and have a better understanding of their rights as citizens of the United States.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Staff Development Day

At a year round site there are many challenges, but also many rewards. The staff at my site is incredible! Today was the only day all year that the entire teaching staff is together. This day is a gift. There were so many work on with the teachers, but most importantly we needed to come together as a staff and realize who we are. Each staff member, no matter what their position on campus, came to this new site with different ideas and aspirations. Most importantly though we all came for the kids. In addition to the regular teaching staff there are amazing people who support the children in various ways - educationally and emotionally. Together we really make a great team! As they say, "We've only just begun......"
Welcome to my blog. This is a place where I will share about my experiences in elementary education.