Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Holiday Spirit

On Friday afternoon the students and teachers went on vacation for two weeks. As I walked the quiet campus that afternoon I realized what a gift I was given when I was asked to open up this new school. The day was filled with joy and love. The morning assembly brought us all together celebrating the season, but most importantly, each other. The smiles on the kids and adults faces is something I want to bottle and open up on those days that are difficult. I feel so blessed to be working with such incredible people.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Oral Languge Development Staff Development

At today's staff meeting our assistant principal and I led the staff in a discussion on oral language development. We read an article on this topic and then the teachers, in groups of 4, determined the key points and applications from this part of the article to their classroom. It was so powerful to walk around the room and listen to the conversations the teachers were having about their part of the article. The library media assistant was in attendance and also noticed how engaged the staff was in this activity. I feel so blessed to work with such a dedicated staff. I love to watch them work together and learn from each other. She did a fantastic job of introducing the activity by having us remember back to when we were in school. The comments I heard today from teachers included - powerful, great connection to the classroom, this helps me so much. When you decide on a topic to discuss and work with your staff, you hope that they have the same passion about that topic as you do. Obviously this topic was chosen because we feel so strongly about bringing quality staff development to our team. Wow!

Sunday, October 28, 2007


Wow - it's been four months since we opened our doors for learning. They have flown by. I look back and realize that I helped create an amazing place for children. Leaving my school of 6 years was difficult. I believe it was difficult because I put my heart and soul into this school. I loved the kids, families and staff - it was home. I was terrified that I wouldn't be able to have another place like this. At my new site I have an amazing group of people that I have come to love as well. In all of this the real learning is that you create your own destiny and how you react to the changes in your life. If I had chosen to be angry my life would be affected by this as well. I choose not to live life that way - but to try to focus on the positive and continually moving forward. When I find myself in a negative "ditch" I have to crawl out and look around me. Some days that is easier to do than others. For me, it's easiest done when I go find the kids. They give me such joy and unconditional love - they are really amazing. I am so lucky to be surrounded by people that care so much about our kids and each other. This is what makes life good.

School Spirit/Culture

Each month we have incredible track off assemblies. Each one focuses around the Life Skill (character trait) of the month. Our music teacher, Silver, has an amazing connection with the students and discusses the trait with them all month. At the end of the month all the students have learned a new song related to the trait. I am amazed each month at the energy created at these assemblies. Last Friday we had 85 chairs out for families and teachers - only 6 were empty. They are part of our culture and what brings us together as a school. Silver is the instrument that drives these assemblies - which drives our culture and spirit. The student, staff and families look forward to these each month. Most importantly, we are identifying who we are as a new school, what we value, what we appreciate, what we want to be. I love working with such incredible individuals who bring out the best in each other. The kids are amazing and surprise me every day! How lucky I am to be part of such an amazing place!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

MIND Institute Training

Wow! What an incredible day some teachers and I have had today. Our school is so fortunate to be able to have this wonderful math and music program at our site. Today we had training that taught us how to incorporate the computerized math program into our curriuclum. The students will play games and progress through these as they master the games. The teachers are so excited about working with their students and provide them with this unique opportunity. The MIND Institute information can be found at The games are so much fun!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Constitution Day - Sept 17

Tomorrow our school community will celebrate Constitution Day through words and music. Coming together and honoring our past is such an important part of what we do each day. Our students will sing patriotic songs and reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. It will be great to look out and see 600 students actively participating in this celebration. There will be flags waving and children smiling - what more could we ask for? Most importantly, our students will learn about the history of our country and have a better understanding of their rights as citizens of the United States.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Staff Development Day

At a year round site there are many challenges, but also many rewards. The staff at my site is incredible! Today was the only day all year that the entire teaching staff is together. This day is a gift. There were so many work on with the teachers, but most importantly we needed to come together as a staff and realize who we are. Each staff member, no matter what their position on campus, came to this new site with different ideas and aspirations. Most importantly though we all came for the kids. In addition to the regular teaching staff there are amazing people who support the children in various ways - educationally and emotionally. Together we really make a great team! As they say, "We've only just begun......"
Welcome to my blog. This is a place where I will share about my experiences in elementary education.